Author: Jackwm

  • Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness

    Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness

    Motivation – Get Happy And Live Life. When he was drafting the American Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson stated that ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ were three of the ‘inherent and inalienable rights’ and ‘sacred and undeniable for all people’. Yet, as a psychologist who works with people to help them achieve what…

  • Spring forward with hope

    Spring forward with hope

    Spring is definitely in the air, bringing a feeling of hope for new beginnings. Days are getting longer and, with the clocks going forward, we now have a welcome extra hour of light to enjoy in the evening. Spring has always been the season of hope and optimism. And hope has long been a positive…

  • Tell Your Mother You Love Her

    Tell Your Mother You Love Her

    As Mother’s Day approaches, we are being bombarded by advertisements urging us to celebrate this event by treating our mothers to extravagant presents as a tangible demonstration our love and appreciation. While most mothers love getting presents – and who doesn’t love chocolates and flowers – I believe that what your mother will probably value…