Author: Kate Keenan
What Everyone Needs To Know About Stress
Everyone is under stress. But not all stress is the kind that impairs your performance. If it were, there would be no mountaineers or deep-sea divers, people who thrive on stress. The important difference is that they can handle the stress, because they have chosen to take control of the circumstances in which they experience…
Make your meetings work productively
Most people agree that positive and productive outcomes should be the key objectives of meetings. Unfortunately, it is quite common for many people to say that a large proportion of the meetings they attend do not work and achieve little if anything at all. Yet running meetings efficiently is a relatively straightforward process. Even if…
Take the headache out of solving problems
Much of life can be spent solving problems which may be giving you a headache because they are getting in the way of achieving your goals. This is often because problem solving can seem a bit like piloting a small dinghy through narrow straits, without maps, distress flares or a radio. The amount of effort…